

BYOFP // Bring Your Own Film Pics Collaborative Analogue Photography Exhibition

Sept 2019 

Organised and curated collaborative analogue photography exhibition with over 200 photographs.

Aimed to create an opportunity for Kingston School of Art students to meet other analogue photography hobbyists and chat film and cameras.

The exhibition was curated with a “first come, first hung” attitude, allowing the contributers to control the fate of the arrangements and adding to the collaborative nature of exhibition. The exhibition was requested by the university to be extended over the Open Day and over this period students could add or takeaway their photographs, meaning that the exhibition continued to grow and flow, bending into new forms and offering new interpretations.

These 35mm photographs show some of the participants so that in the exhibition’s future iterations these photographs may be included, continuing a link to collaborative exhibition making through collaborating with the past artists in this way.